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Gastrobar: el gran punto de encuentro de Skypark Valdebebas

Gastrobar: The great meeting point of Skypark Valdebebas

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The neighbors, those close beings so far away, complained a poet. And so it is in many cases, in beehive-type housing blocks, impersonal, cold, where each neighbor goes his or her own way. This is not the case at Skypark Valdebebas, a residential complex designed to create community and where quality social ties are fostered.

Of course, without renouncing the state of intimacy, privacy and happy life that everyone needs (as Virginia Woolf reminded us in her famous text A Room of One's Own). But let's not forget that we are social beings and that we need others to nurture our social life, to develop as people and, why not, to establish interesting contacts that also enrich our professional life.

Because Skypark Valdebebas allows you to get to know the cultural richness of the different nationalities that make up this small tower of Babel with all the services to make your life easier and more fun.

Un meeting point debajo de casa

And for people to get to know each other, to unite, to have a good time, activities are needed to promote this contact, but also spaces that encourage it. Like the Gastrobar, one of the most beloved places by the 'skyparkes' where a lot of events organized by the neighbors themselves take place.

Everything you can imagine can have a place in the Gastrobar, as well as in its adjoining terrace, and a place that can be considered a machine to generate memories and good times. Like the great times that were experienced in activities such as:

  • Croquette Day. Each neighbor brought his own creation and a neighborhood tasting was held, evaluating the different culinary skills of each one: consistency of the bechamel, creaminess, filling, topping… And a great debate: panko or breadcrumbs?
  • Tortilla Day. Of course, there was a debate between the goodness of the omelette with onion and the omelette without onion, and the most daring experimented with the omelette that triumphs among gastronomic influencers: the carbonara omelette.
  • Workshops. In addition to cooking, the Gastrobar offers activities on different themes, such as workshops on costume jewelry, mindfulness or psychology.
  • Storytelling for children. Imagination to the power to awaken the creativity of the little ones.
  • Pilates with brunch. It sounds contradictory, but the world belongs to the bold. Because there's nothing more pleasurable than enjoying a reward after the hard work. Of course, brunch doesn't include the most caloric sauce of eggs Benedict either. Those excesses, for special days!

A place to celebrate

Elessence of the Gastrobar is the meeting, the celebration, the joy of living (in a place as special as Skypark). There is freedom to organize events related to the lifestyle of the urbanization, such as aperitifs, snacks, brunch or prize-giving after the paddle tennis tournaments that take place in the two wonderful courts.

It is also common for tenants to use it to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and it also serves as a space for yoga and pilates classes. As you can see, it is a versatile space that can also help to promote networking, that is, activities designed to strengthen ties between neighbors, but also to guide these relationships by the more professional side, that is, to seek potential partners, allies, future synergies. Or to listen to the projects of others and find inspiration for your own.

Thus, initiatives typical of co-working spaces are welcome (Skypark also has its own), such as 'sexy-salads', vegan meals where everyone presents their project, or 'speed-dating' for entrepreneurs: seven minutes to present your 'start-up' to a potential investor.

Skypark is much more than a place to live: it is a space to develop in all senses and that is very close to the idea of happiness well understood. Are you in? Don't hesitate to contactar our commercial advisors for more information, whether you are looking for a well-equipped one-bedroom apartment or a larger home.

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